알 수 없는 사용자
2012. 12. 4. 11:01
Schema | Name | Internal name | Size | Description |
pg_catalog | "any" | any | 4 | |
pg_catalog | "char" | char | 1 | single character |
pg_catalog | abstime | abstime | 4 | absolute, limited-range date and time (Unix system time) |
pg_catalog | aclitem | aclitem | 12 | access control list |
pg_catalog | anyarray | anyarray | var | |
pg_catalog | anyelement | anyelement | 4 | |
pg_catalog | anyenum | anyenum | 4 | |
pg_catalog | anynonarray | anynonarray | 4 | |
pg_catalog | bigint | int8 | 8 | ~18 digit integer, 8-byte storage |
pg_catalog | bit | bit | var | fixed-length bit string |
pg_catalog | bit varying | varbit | var | variable-length bit string |
pg_catalog | boolean | bool | 1 | boolean, true /false |
pg_catalog | box | box | 32 | geometric box (lower left,upper right) |
pg_catalog | bytea | bytea | var | variable-length string, binary values escaped |
pg_catalog | character | bpchar | var | char(length), blank-padded string, fixed storage length |
pg_catalog | character varying | varchar | var | varchar(length), non-blank-padded string, variable storage length |
pg_catalog | cid | cid | 4 | command identifier type, sequence in transaction id |
pg_catalog | cidr | cidr | var | network IP address/netmask, network address |
pg_catalog | circle | circle | 24 | geometric circle (center,radius) |
pg_catalog | cstring | cstring | var | |
pg_catalog | date | date | 4 | ANSI SQL date |
pg_catalog | double precision | float8 | 8 | double-precision floating point number, 8-byte storage |
pg_catalog | gtsvector | gtsvector | var | GiST index internal text representation for text search |
pg_catalog | inet | inet | var | IP address/netmask, host address, netmask optional |
pg_catalog | int2vector | int2vector | var | array of int2 , used in system tables |
pg_catalog | integer | int4 | 4 | -2 billion to 2 billion integer, 4-byte storage |
pg_catalog | internal | internal | 4 | |
pg_catalog | interval | interval | 16 | @ <number> <units> , time interval |
pg_catalog | language_handler | language_handler | 4 | |
pg_catalog | line | line | 32 | geometric line (not implemented) |
pg_catalog | lseg | lseg | 32 | geometric line segment (pt1,pt2) |
pg_catalog | macaddr | macaddr | 6 | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX , MAC address |
pg_catalog | money | money | 8 | monetary amounts, $d,ddd.cc |
pg_catalog | name | name | 64 | 63-character type for storing system identifiers |
pg_catalog | numeric | numeric | var | numeric(precision, decimal), arbitrary precision number |
pg_catalog | oid | oid | 4 | object identifier(oid), maximum 4 billion |
pg_catalog | oidvector | oidvector | var | array of oids, used in system tables |
pg_catalog | opaque | opaque | 4 | |
pg_catalog | path | path | var | geometric path (pt1,...) |
pg_catalog | point | point | 16 | geometric point (x, y) |
pg_catalog | polygon | polygon | var | geometric polygon (pt1,...) |
pg_catalog | real | float4 | 4 | single-precision floating point number, 4-byte storage |
pg_catalog | record | record | var | |
pg_catalog | refcursor | refcursor | var | reference cursor (portal name) |
pg_catalog | regclass | regclass | 4 | registered class |
pg_catalog | regconfig | regconfig | 4 | registered text search configuration |
pg_catalog | regdictionary | regdictionary | 4 | registered text search dictionary |
pg_catalog | regoper | regoper | 4 | registered operator |
pg_catalog | regoperator | regoperator | 4 | registered operator (with args) |
pg_catalog | regproc | regproc | 4 | registered procedure |
pg_catalog | regprocedure | regprocedure | 4 | registered procedure (with args) |
pg_catalog | regtype | regtype | 4 | registered type |
pg_catalog | reltime | reltime | 4 | relative, limited-range time interval (Unix delta time) |
pg_catalog | smallint | int2 | 2 | -32 thousand to 32 thousand, 2-byte storage |
pg_catalog | smgr | smgr | 2 | storage manager |
pg_catalog | text | text | var | variable-length string, no limit specified |
pg_catalog | tid | tid | 6 | (block, offset) , physical location of tuple |
pg_catalog | time with time zone | timetz | 12 | hh:mm:ss , ANSI SQL time |
pg_catalog | time without time zone | time | 8 | hh:mm:ss , ANSI SQL time |
pg_catalog | timestamp with time zone | timestamptz | 8 | date and time with time zone |
pg_catalog | timestamp without time zone | timestamp | 8 | date and time |
pg_catalog | tinterval | tinterval | 12 | (abstime,abstime) , time interval |
pg_catalog | trigger | trigger | 4 | |
pg_catalog | tsquery | tsquery | var | query representation for text search |
pg_catalog | tsvector | tsvector | var | text representation for text search |
pg_catalog | txid_snapshot | txid_snapshot | var | txid snapshot |
pg_catalog | unknown | unknown | var | |
pg_catalog | uuid | uuid | 16 | UUID datatype |
pg_catalog | void | void | 4 | |
pg_catalog | xid | xid | 4 | transaction id |
pg_catalog | xml | xml | var | XML content |
네트워크 주소를 저장하는 용도인 cidr
, inet
, macaddr
같은 것도 있고, box
, circle
, line
, path
, point
, polygon
같은 기하학적 값들을 위한 자료형도 존재한다.
눈여겨 볼 것은, regclass
나 regtype
같은 고차 자료형(higher-order types)—자료형을 담는 자료형, Ruby의 Class
객체나 Python의 type
객체 같은 것들—도 존재한다는 사실. regoper
, regproc
같은 자료형을 보면 알 수 있겠지만, 연산자나 프로시져를 값으로 사용할 수 있기도 하다. regoperator
, regprocedure
자료형은 부분 적용(partial application)된 연산자, 프로시져를 담는다.
출처 : http://blog.dahlia.pe.kr/articles/2008/08/29/postgresql-83%EC%9D%98-%EB%82%B4%EC%9E%A5-%EC%9E%90%EB%A3%8C%ED%98%95%EB%93%A4?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CodeMetaphor+%28Romantic+Binaries%29